Sunday, December 29, 2019

Essay on Fulfillment is Gained Through Philosophical Thought

Fulfillment is Gained Through Philosophical Thought The ability to think philosophical is the ability to truly understand and know ones surroundings and everything that influences those surroundings to the degree that knowledge becomes the ultimate understanding and appreciation of the surroundings without question. With this ultimate understanding, a philosopher is able to appreciate life and live life to a fuller degree than the average person. Unfortunately, becoming a philosopher or even recognizing a philosopher can be difficult. Therefore, in order to live a philosophical life, one must understand what philosophy is and have a clear perception of why they desire a life as a philosopher and the hardships that ultimately coincide†¦show more content†¦To further explain, if a person views something that is beautiful and that is all he is capable of understanding, the objects physical beauty, then he does not understand the ultimate truth behind that object and its beauty it possesses drawing to a personal opinion of that o bject. Thus, an opinion is simply an incomplete truth. An opinion is not necessarily wrong in its idea, rather it is simply not a complete idea or understanding. To be a complete idea and understanding, the idea must be universal. This is a key to philosophical thought. The idea being drawn from a subject must be absolute and universal in its being, thus being the ultimate understanding or idea. Therefore, to conclude, a philosopher is one who has knowledge of something rather than an opinion, acquiring that knowledge through true appreciation of the subject in its universal and absolute state. Being a philosopher is not always easy. Along with understanding how a philosopher thinks and learns knowledge, one must also understand the hardships that coincide with it. But first, one must have a clear perception of why they want to be a philosopher. A full understanding and self-recognition of why one wants to be a philosopher will allow them to completely defend themselves when necessary. Being a philosopher allows a person to grasp a situation, an object, or an idea with an ultimate appreciation andShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Bhagavad Gita 1389 Words   |  6 Pagesan in depth examination. The philosophical and religious as well as human natures are some of the most important themes that will be displayed in this essay. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

BP Oil Spill Crisis Essay - 978 Words

BP Oil Spill Crisis The Deepwater Horizon was a nine year old, ultra-deepwater, dynamically positioned, semi-submersible, offshore drilling rig built in South Korea. In 2008, British Petroleum (BP) leased it from Transocean to drill for oil in the Gulf Coast. In September 2009, the rig drilled the deepest oil well in history at a depth of 35,055-feet. On April 20, 2010 while drilling the rig exploded at 9:45PM (CST), killing eleven workers and injuring seventeen others. It was caused when methane gas from the well shot all the way up and out of the drill column, expanded onto the platform then ignited and exploded. The explosion then led the rig to burn, with the resulting fire unable to be extinguished 2 days later it sinked leaving†¦show more content†¦This disaster of the BP oil spill has caused many deaths: 64 mammals, 2,919 birds, and 489 sea turtles according to National Wildlife Federation and these numbers are going to continue to rise year after year till all the oil is cleaned up. Al so, the Gulf is home to endangered species. Kemp’s ridley sea turtles are currently listed as endangered, and could go to threatened in the next couple years. Another example is the Bluefin Tuna which is labeled as endangered and could send them to extinction due to the massive oil spill. This is one dire effect that is hurting our ecosystem, and this same instance happened in Alaska with the Exxon Valdez oil spill. A great example of how gruesome the oil has taken on wildlife, look at Fig. B where a there is an oil-soaked pelican. I believe the world should change its main source of oil to a different less destructing fuel. Another effect from the BP oil spill it’s jeopardizing the Gulf’s billion-dollar fishing and shrimping industry. With the Gulf accounting for 40-percent of North Americans seafood, it is the second largest seafood producing area after Alaska, and it’s effecting incomes for thousands. The high loss of seafood is going to change the way many people eat and increase prices because of the shortages. Also, many small fishers have filed for bankruptcy causing high stress. Captain William Allen-Kruse was so depressed with the loss of business he shot and killed himself afterShow MoreRelatedThe Bp Oil Spill Crisis1879 Words   |  8 Pagesuse British Petroleum’s (BP) Oil Spill in the Gulf Coast during 2010. The BP Oil Spill was a crisis and the BP company responded to the event with socially responsible leadership style. We ultimately chose it because it was interesting. 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On April 20, 2010 the explosion and sinking of Deepwater Horizon oil rig happened, itRead MoreDear Ceo And Board Of Trustees Essay1289 Words   |  6 Pagesand Board of Trustees Introduction As you are aware, on April 20, 2010, explosions occurred in the Gulf of Mexico sinking the Deepwater Horizon oil rig and tragically killed 11 people This oil spill is now considered the worst oil spill in United States history. During the search and rescue, an underwater camera was discovered which revealed a leak in the BP pipeline. Because the well is located approximately 5,000 feet beneath the deep, dark sea with temperatures just above freezing and extremelyRead MoreThe Spill Of The Bp Oil Spill1602 Words   |  7 PagesThe BP Oil Spill began on April 20, 2010 in the Gulf of Mexico after the BP leased, Transocean owned, Deepwater Horizon drilling rig exploded, killing 11 and injuring 17 of the 126 crew members. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Organizational Behavior for Sustaining -

Question: Discuss about theOrganizational Behavior for Creating and Sustaining. Answer: Motivation Motivation can be defined as the reason one holds to do a certain task allocated to them, or behave in a particular manner (Reeve, 2014). For the success of an organization, motivation of the workers has to be factor for consideration in decisions making. Most of the United Kingdom companies consider workers motivation as a key factor in the attainment of their goals. The United Kingdom best work places give a great attention to workers motivation. They include; Foundation SP, Amoria Bond, impact international, Saleforce UK, softcatPLc etc. These companies motivate their customers by offering free meals, paid day care services, recognizing their employees, assigning responsibilities to their workers, paying their workers good salary, giving their workers enough time off and giving a first priority to workers safety at the work place (Olafsen et al., 2015). On the list of the best places to work in UK lies Baringa partiers which offers good remuneration for their workers. Adecco considers workers feel recognized by giving them responsibilities. Workers in these companies do their best so as to improve the companys performance in the highly competitive market. Some companies have considered motivation as their traditional practice. group behavior and team work. Elements of a successful team and their effects to team performance. A successful team should be small and be constituted of consistent members. These elements are necessary for effective team work. They facilitate the effectiveness of a team. A team with consistent membership usually performs better than that which lacks consistency in its membership. Conditions necessary for effective team. The following conditions are necessary for effective team; The team should have a clear motive and a clear goal. The system should have laid down frameworks to motivate its workers. The team should be composed of members who are competent in both technical skills and interpersonal skills. The team should have effective communication so as to prevent information breakdown which may lead to misunderstanding and quarrels. How to avoid team challenges For the team to avoid the problems identified, I would unsure there is a clear and non-interrupted channel of communication that creates a healthy community. This will facilitates the flow of information in an organization. Creating trust among the members of a group should be key. This can be done by acting as the trust, showing the initial enthusiastic and being predicable. The group can be broken into individual accountability by assigning different roles to individual members of the team. leadership Difference between trait and behavioral theories of leadership Trait theory argues that individuals possess certain characteristics that are attractive to other people that make them good leaders. It holds that leaders are born while behavioral theory argues that leaders have one or several different ways in which they stand distinct (Dinh et al., 2014). These theories are valid in various accounts i.e. most leaders possess distinct traits that make them stand out and run the organizations responsibility. How can organization select and develop effective leader? Success in an organization takes hard work, effective team leadership and a good discipline (Dinh et al., 2014). Most organizations use the following leadership success traits. A leader who is able to adapt fast to a situation will also be able to lead the team members to adopt fast too. A leader with good communication skills is able to give instructions and listen to the employees plea. Ability to build relation Employees should have unweaving trust on their leader so as to exceed the employers expectation on their performance. Ability to develop and develop others A leader should be willing to learn from others and nature the employees talent. Power and politics Delegate power or keep it close How to prioritize the projects to delegate Samantha Park should identify the task of high priority and avoid delegating it due to the sensitivity of the decisions made to the organization. Samantha Park can deal with the concern by building trust in those whom he hires, this will help in the motivation of the employee and improve their performance. The executive should not control project so as to maintain their position in authority. They have the right and the responsibility to overlook and the important decisions since they are held accountable of the organizations functions (Camm, 2013). The top leadership should never delegate the following tasks in an organization. Any decision that affects the entire organization. The overall responsibility of an organization Praise and discipline of the employees. Organisational changes Sustaining innovations These are innovations that improve the existing products rather than creating a new product (Christensen, and Raynor, 2013). Examples of sustaining innovations include; Steel company begun by producing low cost low quality products but with the prevailing improvement in technology, the company has improved its products with time hence producing products such as rebar and sheet steel. Pfizer is the world largest pharmaceutical company by revenues. The company was found in 1849, it has augmented its research by building its brads, pipeline, and profits through major acquisitions. Nokia, an electronics producing company started by producing low quality phones. But with the improvement in technology it has produced high quality phones which are relevant to the prevailing market status. Disruptive innovations These are innovations that help a company in creating new products that completely change the market (Nagy, Schuessler, and Dubinsky, 2016). Examples of disruptive innovations include; When Apple Company introduced iPad in the market, the company created a new market and attracted many customers worldwide to their new product other than softwares they used to produce. Bosch company, a U.S.A based company founded in 1889 is transforming itself into service providing company whose brands can be used in fast-changing industries. Gaming Superstar NVidia established its foothold in automobiles by building the user interface connected cars. But they have recently developed software that autonomous car operates in. The innovations are beneficial and they lead to high quality goods and services. People can now access high quality commodities with ease. References Camm, T.W., 2013. Power and politics in organizations. Christensen, C. and Raynor, M., 2013. The innovator's solution: Creating and sustaining successful growth. Harvard Business Review Press. Dinh, J.E., Lord, R.G., Gardner, W.L., Meuser, J.D., Liden, R.C. and Hu, J., 2014. Leadership theory and research in the new millennium: Current theoretical trends and changing perspectives. The Leadership Quarterly, 25(1), pp.36-62. Nagy, D., Schuessler, J. and Dubinsky, A., 2016. Defining and identifying disruptive innovations. Industrial Marketing Management, 57, pp.119-126. Olafsen, A.H., Halvari, H., Forest, J. and Deci, E.L., 2015. Show them the money? The role of pay, managerial need support, and justice in a self?determination theory model of intrinsic work motivation. Scandinavian journal of psychology, 56(4), pp.447-457. Reeve, J., 2014. Understanding motivation and emotion. John Wiley Sons.