Saturday, May 16, 2020

Articles on Whether to Obey or to not Obey - 1027 Words

The first article written by David Brooks was entitled â€Å"The Follower Problem†. The main idea is that regardless the real actions of the leaders; nowadays followers have lost the capability of respect and judge authority rationally. According to the author this is mainly due to a strong empowerment of the population. Every individual wants to be personally satisfied; in fact, we have become cynical, we have moved our focused from the wellbeing of the community as a whole to the pursuing of an egoistically individual welfare. The author gives an ironic yet curious solution to the followers’ problem, emulating the Internet. Defined by the author as: â€Å"a disbursed semi-anarchic in which authority is suspected and each individual is king.† It is the ultimate form of democracy, in which no absolute leader is proclaimed, and everyone holds a share of power. Unfortunately, this semi-anarchic proto-world would soon turn into an absolute anarchic one, where power would become so distorted that would inevitably be the cause of its own failure. According to the author we must have a clear vision of our leaders in order to consider them â€Å"just† and to ultimately obey to their guidance. We must be â€Å"just† followers in order to recognize a â€Å"just† leader among all of the â€Å"unjust† ones. Obeying to leadership is as important as having a sane population to be lead. The second article written by Erich Fromm was entitled â€Å"Disobedience as a Psychological and Moral Problem.† The main idea is thatShow MoreRelatedOrders: Non-commissioned Officer and Order Essay1011 Words   |  5 Pagesallegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice.† Whether you’re black or white, woman or man, your first language learned was Spanish or English, if you enlist in the United States Military you swear this oath. National Guard enlistees swear a similar oath but with an addition that they â€Å"swear to obey the orders of the Governor of theirRead MoreArticle 92 - Essay1245 Words   |  5 PagesArticle 92 of the uniform code of military justice is when a solider fails to obey an order or regulation given to them by an NCO, officer, or someone pointed above them in section or squad. 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Fromm claims individuals needRead MoreThe Perils Of Obedience, And A Few Good Men1059 Words   |  5 PagesEveryday, people are forced to face with vicious circle of decisions: whether to stick to their morals or obey the authority figure. But it’s a fact that people have a propensity to obey authority, more than to preserve their own morals. A Few Good Men is a film that illustrates the struggle every marine faces-- to follow orders, good or bad. But why would marines follow the orders without hesitation if that order questions the principles they live by? Because the orders in the navy are meant toRead MoreEssay on Comparative Analysis of A Fe w Good Men1371 Words   |  6 PagesThe motion picture A Few Good Men challenges the question of why Marines obey their superiors’ orders without hesitation. The film illustrates a story about two Marines, Lance Corporal Harold W. Dawson and Private First Class Louden Downey charged for the murder of Private First Class William T. Santiago. 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